Making the commitment to your own well-being is a powerful step

Couples therapy session with Chad Fraga

Who I Work With

You’re feeling frustrated and alone…

As you reflect, it’s been months or years since you’ve felt genuinely connected to your loved ones.

You find yourself hesitant to share your thoughts because you’re afraid it won’t be received well, no matter how hard you try.

You worry that if this continues, it’ll lead to frustrations, guilt, resentment, and the potential to lose what’s important to you.

In your relationships…

You may be…

  • Avoiding conflict because you expect your partner to get defensive at the mention of any issue…

  • Hiding your flaws out of fear of judgment

  • Struggling to feel like you’re good enough for your partner’s love…

  • Feeling constantly misunderstood

  • Fearful that if your partner truly knew who you were, they would disapprove, so you mask and bury your flaws and insecurities…

But you hope to…

  • Feel that regardless of the problem you have, you can go to your partner and trust that even if they don’t agree, they will listen.

  • Feel a weight lifted off of your shoulders because you’ve learned your partner’s love for you is not tied to your performance.

  • No longer feel the need to “be right” — You’re focused on maintaining connection and security in your relationship.

  • No longer seek reassurance and approval for who you are, and now feel empowered to be yourself and are content with yourself, flaws and all.

happy couple

You’re ready to

  • Feel heard, seen, and loved for who you are

  • Feel safe enough to lower your defenses

  • Develop better ways to communicate

You’re not looking for a temporary solution — You’re ready to put in the work needed to build a stronger, healthier bond with yourself and your loved ones.

I offer In-Person Therapy in Sacramento, California

Hi, I’m Chad. I understand that having the space and the words to create trust, safety, and connection in your relationships can be hard. This is where I help facilitate the conversations that are well overdue.

I work with couples, adult individuals, and families in recovery from years of poor communication, betrayal issues, and trust issues.

As your therapist, my role is to interrupt the negative cycles you constantly find yourselves in and coach you through creating new and deeper understandings of each other.

man in therapy session

Individual Therapy

I support people in confronting their challenges and developing the insights needed to create a life with more fulfillment, compassion, and empathy.

Individual therapy session. Day, Afternoon, and Early Evening availability. In-person only sessions.

50-55 mins | $140 | Learn more about Individual Therapy

couple in a therapy session

Couple’s Therapy & Marriage Counseling

I specialize in working with couples that want to deepen their self-awareness and work through relationship conflicts, marital and premarital issues, and couples that want to overcome trust issues.

Couples therapy session. Day, Afternoon, and Early Evening availability. In-person only sessions.

50-55 mins | $140 | Learn more about Couple’s Therapy and Marriage Counseling

man in a therapy session

Men’s Relational Growth Group Therapy

Group therapy session every Monday at 5:00 pm.

You’ll have the opportunity to connect with other men about personal and relational growth, and discussions around building self-confidence, stronger relationships, and more.

Open Group - meaning you can come as much or as little as you’d like.

Max 8 people per group, in-person only.

75 mins | $40 | Learn more about the Men’s Group

Next step, let’s talk.

I work from a non judgemental, deeply attuned, extremely curious and strength-based approach. Let’s have a call to see if we’d be a good fit.

Got a few questions about how we can work together?