Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling in Sacramento, CA

a couple standing and holding hands

It’s not like it used to be…

You both used to have so much fun together. You would laugh until you cried and could hardly breathe. Now, it feels like you’re crying until you laugh because you’re so unbalanced and confused about what is happening between you two — you don’t know what to do anymore.

a couple embracing while viewing a landscape

You want to feel safe in your relationship again…

You want to feel that no matter what happens in life, the both of you can work through any problem together, as a team. You know your partner isn’t a mind reader, but you’ve expressed your pain enough that they should be able to predict some of your needs by now, right?

In your relationships…

You may be…

  • Avoiding conflict because you expect your partner to get defensive at the mention of any issue…

  • Hiding your flaws out of fear of judgment

  • Struggling to feel like you’re good enough for your partner’s love…

  • Feeling constantly misunderstood

  • Fearful that if your partner truly knew who you were, they would disapprove, so you mask and bury your flaws and insecurities…

But you hope to…

  • Feel that regardless of the problem you have, you can go to your partner and trust that even if they don’t agree, they will listen.

  • Feel a weight lifted off of your shoulders because you’ve learned your partner’s love for you is not tied to your performance.

  • No longer feel the need to “be right” — You’re focused on maintaining connection and security in your relationship.

  • No longer seek reassurance and approval for who you are, and now feel empowered to be yourself and are content with yourself, flaws and all.

a happy couple at the beach

Work towards becoming the person and partner you’ve always wanted to be.

Learn how to:

  • See validation as a bonus rather than a need to be at peace with yourself and others.

  • Be more intentional about how you decide to use your time.

  • Embrace conflict constructively in order to build a deeper understanding with your partner.

Chad Fraga headshot

I offer In-Person Therapy in Sacramento, California

Hi, I’m Chad, a Licensed MFT. I understand that having the space and the words to create trust, safety, and connection in your relationships can be hard. This is where I help facilitate the conversations that are well overdue.

I work with couples, adult individuals, and families in recovery from years of poor communication, betrayal issues, and trust issues.

As your therapist, my role is to interrupt the negative cycles you constantly find yourselves in and coach you through creating new and deeper understandings of each other.

This is going to be a commitment that you make to better yourself, and anything worth while is going to take hard work.

The good news is, I’m going to be right here in the trenches with you, guiding you through the questions that we need to ask in order to deconstruct how and why you’ve reached this point.

If you’re ready for change, let’s connect.

Chad Fraga guiding a couple's therapy session in Sacramento

Details About Couple’s Therapy & Marriage Counseling Sessions

  • Cost of Individual Therapy Session: $140

  • Duration of One Session: 50-55 minutes

  • Availability: Morning, daytime, and early evenings

*In-person sessions are where I do my best work, but virtual or telehealth therapy can be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

Got a few questions about how we can work together?