Men’s Relational Growth Group Therapy in Sacramento, CA

When was the last time you were in a room full of men having a mature conversation about life?

Have you ever been vulnerable about your inner deepest, darkest feelings and thoughts with a group of men?

You feel like you’re not communicating effectively…

If you could just get your partner to see the world the way you do, they’d understand that you’re not trying to hurt them. You could finally be seen for the good, honest, caring person you actually are…but the fights you have don’t leave a positive impression of you.

You’ve been told you’re not doing things the “right way”…

The way you handle conflict in your relationship isn’t working, but you feel like you’re trying your best and none of your efforts are being noticed. You’re stuck feeling like the bad guy, and that’s not who you want to be.

You’re looking for…

A space where you can share things about your daily life with people who will listen and just get where you’re coming from.

A way to connect with other men to feel more supported and heard as you try to work through your ups and downs.

A space that is going to be supportive and understanding, where you can unapologetically be yourself.

Chad Fraga shaking hands with a client from his men's group therapy in Sacramento

Work towards becoming the man you’ve always known you could be.

Learn how to:

  • See validation as a bonus rather than a need to be at peace with yourself and others.

  • Be more intentional about how you decide to use your time.

  • Embrace conflict constructively in order to build a deeper understanding and connection with your partner.

In your relationships…

You may…

  • Find yourself saying, “Why is this even a big deal? They’re just blowing things out of proportion!”

  • Feel shame about the ways you choose to cope — using drugs or alcohol, flirting with other women, distancing yourself to not get into a fight.

  • Feel shame around being deceitful about your actions with your spouse.

  • Constantly feel misunderstood and like the more you try to explain yourself, the worse it gets.

But you hope to…

  • Find yourself saying, “My partner is clearly hurt. I’m not sure why, but I want them to see that I’m curious and that I want to figure this out with them because I love them.”

  • Understand that we are all human, and we all make mistakes. It’s not the act of the choices themselves.

  • Gain the belief that your partner will never judge you, so you don’t have to hide anymore.

  • Focus less on explaining “your side” of the story and more on supporting your connection with your spouse.

Chad Fraga headshot

About Chad Fraga, Host of the Men’s Relational Growth Group

I grew up around highly masculine men, participated in highly masculine sports, and have highly masculine hobbies. Being a man or masculine is not a problem to fix. You are not the problem — The problem is the choices you’re making that jeopardize your desire to connect and be understood. You’re not alone — I know what it’s like to feel torn between wanting to understand others and wanting your own needs to be met.

I believe us men have so much potential to be of service in our relationships and our communities. We can commit to not staying in the patriarchal box that we find ourselves getting pushed into by others and ourselves. We can learn to truly make choices that are intentional and values-based.

“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.”

Bob Marley

Chad Fraga guiding an individual therapy session in Sacramento

Details About Men’s Relational Growth Group Therapy

  • Cost of Group Therapy Session: $40 per person

  • Duration of One Session: 75 minutes

  • Every Monday at 5:00 pm in-person in Sacramento, CA

  • Open Group - meaning you can come as much or as little as you’d like. No commitment needed for any particular number of sessions.

*Maximum of 6-8 people, in-person only. In order to attend, you’ll need to book a consultation call with me. Sign up weekly.


Join Our Men’s Open-Group

An open-group means you can come as much or as little as you’d like. No commitment needed for any particular number of sessions.

Address: 3430 American River Drive. Suite 110. Sacramento, CA 95864