In-Person Therapy for Individuals in Sacramento, California

shadow of a pensive man

It feels like you’re running on empty…

You keep trying to get the relationship you want, to feel more confident in yourself, or just feel some sense of normality, but nothing seems to work, so you numb yourself with mindless activities, drugs, and/or alcohol.

You act on impulse so frequently— yelling, saying things you don’t mean, putting others down— that you don’t feel like yourself anymore…

a couple holding hands

Everytime you “mess up”, you feel more shame…

It feels like a never-ending spiral. You’re scared to make a mistake because you’ve made so many of them at this point.

You’re constantly trying to find the balance between acknowledging and accepting that you’re human (and that no one is perfect), while also taking some personal responsibility.

Individual Therapy Can Help You

Move away from desperately seeking validation through your performance at work or at home.

Break out of your dependency on mind-numbing activities like doom scrolling, drugs, alcohol, and video games.

Rewire your negative patterns where you bury yourself in “unimportant” tasks and activities to avoid dealing with problems in your relationships.

a couple sitting and viewing a mountain and lake landscape

Work towards becoming the person and partner you’ve always wanted to be.

Learn how to:

  • See validation as a bonus rather than a need to be at peace with yourself and others.

  • Be more intentional about how you decide to use your time.

  • Embrace conflict constructively in order to build a deeper understanding with your partner.

Chad Fraga headshot

I offer In-Person Therapy in Sacramento, California

Hi, I’m Chad, a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist #147652. I understand that having the space and the words to create trust, safety, and connection in your relationships can be hard. This is where I help facilitate the conversations that are well overdue.

I work with couples, adult individuals, and families in recovery from years of poor communication, betrayal issues, and trust issues.

As your therapist, my role is to interrupt the negative cycles you constantly find yourselves in and coach you through creating new and deeper understandings of each other.

This is going to be a commitment that you make to better yourself, and anything worth while is going to take hard work.

The good news is, I’m going to be right here in the trenches with you, guiding you through the questions that we need to ask in order to deconstruct how and why you’ve reached this point.

If you’re ready for change, let’s connect.

Chad Fraga in a one-on-one therapy session in Sacramento

Details About One-on-One Therapy Sessions with Chad

  • Cost of Individual Therapy Session: $140

  • Duration of One Session: 50-55 minutes

  • Availability: Morning, daytime, and early evenings

*In-person sessions are where I do my best work, but virtual or telehealth therapy can be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

Got a few questions about how we can work together?